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Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Внешнее счастье не продлится долго без внутреннего, а материальные блага сами по себе не могут сделать человека счастливым, говорит Далай-лама. В этой книге он дает практические советы о том, как обрести ясность ума и преобразовать негативные эмоции, сделав счастливее и себя, и окружающих. Его Святейшество основывается на собственном опыте следования многовековой традиции тибетского буддизма.
В книге затронуты разные аспекты буддийской практики – от правильной позы для медитации до тайных тантрических учений. По словам Далай-ламы, каждый человек может использовать те из описанных методов, которые ему подходят.
Каждая глава сопровождается конспектом по ежедневной практике.
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Автор произведения Далай-лама XIV
• Бесселер за версією The New York Times • Поради від Далай-лами та архієпископа Туту • Відповіді на питання: як впоратися з гнівом, люттю, горем, відчаєм, зневірою Світові духовні лідери, лауреати Нобелівської премії миру, Далай-лама і Десмонд Туту діляться секретами, що допоможуть поглянути на себе і власне життя по-новому. Автори навчать, як досягти духовної гармонії, розкажуть про причини виникнення негативних емоцій і про те, як давати їм раду. Радість закладено в кожному з нас, це почуття не залежить від соціального статусу, матеріального добробуту, сім’ї чи кар’єри. Стань щасливішим уже сьогодні! У цій книзі ви знайдете практичні поради, медитаційні вправи, історії з життя, що надихають і дарують можливість змінити кожен день на краще.
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Автор произведения Дуглас Абрамс
Bringing together two of our greatest sources of meaning and transformation This book marries two partners that are made for each other. The result, as in all good unions, is mutual enrichment and deeper life. –Jack Shea, author of Stories of God Now available in paperback, this moving and enlightening book presents us with a compelling vision of what can happen when we take the opportunity to connect stories and rituals–a vision of individuals and communities transformed through a deeper sense of connection to our loved ones, our communities, and God. Herbert Anderson and Edward Foley reveal how when stories and rituals work together, they have the potential to be both mighty and dangerous–mighty in their ability to lift us up and help us make these connections beyond ourselves and dangerous in challenging us to learn to live with complexity and contradiction. They show how much more meaningful a baptism, wedding, or funeral can be when liturgy is made to include and recognize the personal stories of those involved. Suddenly, these familiar life-cycle rituals are infused with new life as their participants become connected in a narrative web linking past and present, human and divine. Newly created rituals can also help us connect our stories to the divine story, giving meaning to what we experience and bringing us closer to God. Ministers, worship leaders, and pastoral caregivers can use this approach to storytelling and ritual to find ways to bring together worship and pastoral care, diminishing fragmentation and fostering coherence in their religious communities.
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Автор произведения Herbert Anderson
Christ of the Celts «I explore the Celtic image of Christ as the Memory of what we have forgotten. He remembers the dance of the universe and the harmony that is deep within all things. He is the Memory also of who we are.» –from the Prelude «Diagnosing the human soul with a longing for peace in the face of fear and fragmentation nurtured by global political forces and fundamentalisms, Newell offers the ancient traditions of Celtic Christianity as a way forward in healing humankind and the earth.» –Publishers Weekly «This graceful, wise, and important book is a superb introduction to the treasures of Celtic Christianity for our time.» –Marcus Borg, author, The Heart of Christianity
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Автор произведения J. Newell Philip
Praise for Whole Church «Mel is a thoughtful analyst of church life today. Best of all—he actually does what he writes about. This book can lead to new levels of engagement for your church.» —John Ortberg, author and pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church «Mel Lawrenz's vision of a local church that actually reflects the wholeness and beauty of God as it engages with the Lord, one another, and the community is a much-needed call back to God's original Plan A – a plan that has too often been cast aside in the name of specialization, church growth, and expediency.» —Larry Osborne, North Coast Church, and author, Sticky Church and Spirituality for the Rest of Us «Wow! This book is for every Christian leader who wants to move their church from a narrow self-focus to active engagement in the world with all the resources and possibilities of heaven.» —Mike Slaughter, Ginghamsburg Church «While Mel Lawrenz's 'four kinds of engagement' aims at congregational application, it also creates a template that individual Jesus-followers can use for self-evaluation of what it means to be the church today. The final 'dynamics' section is worth the price of admission for church leaders.» —Reggie McNeal, author, The Present Future and Missional Renaissance «Having known Mel Lawrenz for thirty-five years in various capacities as student, intern, colleague, and eventual successor as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church, I can testify to his keen mind, his profound respect for and knowledge of history, his forward-looking curiosity, and his undoubted communication gifts. Add all these to his many years as a seasoned practitioner of church ministry, and the result is this very helpful book, Whole Church.» —Stuart Briscoe, author, Flowing Streams and broadcaster, Telling the Truth
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Автор произведения Mel Lawrenz
What the «Emergent Church Movement» is all about-and why it matters to the future of Christianity Following on the questions raised by Brian McLaren in A New Kind of Christian, Tony Jones has written an engaging exploration of what this new kind of Christianity looks like. Writing «dispatches» about the thinking and practices of adventurous Emergent Christians across the country, he offers an in-depth view of this new «third way» of faith-its origins, its theology, and its views of truth, scripture and interpretation, and the Emergent movement's hopeful and life-giving sense of community. With the depth of theological expertise and broad perspective he has gained as a pastor, writer, and leader of the movement, Jones initiates readers into the Emergent conversation and offers a new way forward for Christians in a post-Christian world. With journalistic narrative as well as authoritative reflection, he draws upon on-site research to provide fascinating examples and firsthand stories of who is doing what, where, and why it matters.
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Автор произведения Tony Jones
Written for those who are trying to nurture authentic faith communities and for those who have struggled to retain their faith, The Tangible Kingdom offers theological answers and real-life stories that demonstrate how the best ancient church practices can re-emerge in today's culture, through any church of any size. In this remarkable book, Hugh Halter and Matt Smay «two missional leaders and church planters» outline an innovative model for creating thriving grass-roots faith communities.
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Автор произведения Hugh Halter
Reggie McNeal's bestseller The Present Future is the definitive work on the «missional movement,» i.e., the widespread movement among Protestant churches to be less inwardly focused and more oriented toward the culture and community around them. In that book he asked the tough questions that churches needed to entertain to begin to think about who they are and what they are doing; in Missional Renaissance, he shows them the three significant shifts in their thinking and behavior that they need to make that will allow leaders to chart a course toward being missional: (1) from an internal to an external focus, ending the church as exclusive social club model; (2) from running programs and ministries to developing people as its core activity; and (3) from professional leadership to leadership that is shared by everyone in the community. With in-depth discussions of the «what» and the «how» of transitioning to being a missional church, readers will be equipped to move into what McNeal sees as the most viable future for Christianity. For all those thousands of churches who are asking about what to do next after reading The Present Future, Missional Renaissance will provide the answer.
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Автор произведения Reggie McNeal
Can renewal and reform groups rekindle spiritual vitality and fervor in today's religious institutions? The call to revive one's faith fills more pages of the Christian and Jewish scriptures than any other theme. Today, reform and renewal organizations and movements play a key role in most denominations, whether conservative, moderate, or liberal. In this fascinating book, Richard Cimino provides you with an in-depth look at six vibrant reform and renewal movements that are revitalizing traditional faith communities from the inside out. Cimino walks you through how all the components of renewal and reform–the organization, the larger denomination, the congregation, and the individual members–interact at both local and national levels, and answers the question of how effective these organizations and movements are within their traditions. Filled with interviews and case studies, Trusting the Spiriy concludes by outlining strategies for renewal and reform that can be put into practice in a wide range of religious contexts.
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Автор произведения Richard Cimino
A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists. Musings on Why God Is Good and Faith Isn't Evil - David Myers G.
A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists helps readers—both secular and religious—appreciate their common ground. For those whose thinking has moved from the religious thesis to the skeptical antithesis (or vice versa), Myers offers pointers to a science-respecting Christian synthesis. He shows how skeptics and people of faith can share a commitment to reason, evidence, and critical thinking, while also embracing a faith that supports human flourishing—by making sense of the universe, giving meaning to life, connecting us in supportive communities, mandating altruism, and offering hope in the face of adversity and death.
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Автор произведения David Myers G.