

This is a book about what we consider normal. It details how the very concept of normality emerged in the modern era, and how it has changed over the centuries. By the mid-twentieth century, the expansion of norms across various areas of human endeavour generated a governing normative order in Western societies. Normality was defined as conformity with a narrow model of conventional human behaviour. However, this model has since been displaced by an anti-conformism, in which normality is defined as absolute self-fulfilment, defying older restrictions on our behaviour. Paradoxically, narcissistic individualism and rebellion against conformity have become compulsory. Normal Now  explores in detail how this new normative order plays out today in the arenas of politics, health, and sex and sexuality. In all these areas, the uncompromising perfectionism of our norms of self-expression leads to increasingly deep-seated and ubiquitous anger, anxiety and dissatisfaction.



The ecological crisis is a very real crisis for the many species that face extinction, but it is also a crisis of sensibility – that is, a crisis in our relationships with other living beings. We have grown accustomed to treating other living beings as the material backdrop for the drama of human life: the animal world is regarded as part of ‘nature’, juxtaposed to the world of human beings who pursue their aims independently of other species. Baptiste Morizot argues that the time has come for us to jettison this nature─human dualism and rethink our relationships with other living beings. Animals are not part of a separate, natural world: they are cohabitants of the Earth, with whom we share a common ancestry, the enigma of being alive and the responsibility of living decent lives together. By accepting our identity as living beings and reconnecting with our own animal nature, we can begin to change our relationships with other animals, seeing them not as inferior lifeforms but as living creatures who have different ways of being alive. This powerful plea for a new understanding of our relationships with other animals will be of great interest to anyone concerned about the ecological crisis and the future of different species, including our own.



"¿Podría ser posible? ¡Este viejo santo en el bosque aún no ha oído hablar de él, que Dios está muerto!"El antiguo profeta persa Zarathustra desciende de una vida de soledad en la montaña para anunciar al mundo que Dios ha sido suplantado por el «Superhombre», lo divino en forma humana. En una de las obras más radicales e influyentes de la filosofía moderna, Friedrich Nietzsche expone los nuevos estándares de moralidad después de la «muerte de Dios».Frecuentemente tergiversado (y secuestrado con un propósito peligroso por los intelectuales nazis), Spake Zarathustra es una obra de brillantez profunda y dominio poético que todavía proporciona significado en el mundo complejo y cambiante de hoy.


Los ensayos de Michel de Montaigne están contenidos en tres libros y 107 capítulos de diversa extensión. Originalmente se escribieron en francés medio y se publicaron originalmente en el Reino de Francia. El diseño declarado de Montaigne al escribir, publicar y revisar los Ensayos durante el período de aproximadamente 1570 a 1592 fue registrar «algunos rasgos de mi carácter y de mis humores». Los ensayos se publicaron por primera vez en 1580 y cubren una amplia gama de temas.Montaigne escribió en una retórica bastante elaborada diseñada para intrigar e involucrar al lector, a veces pareciendo moverse en una corriente de pensamiento de un tema a otro y otras veces empleando un estilo estructurado que da más énfasis a la naturaleza didáctica de su trabajo. Sus argumentos a menudo se respaldan con citas de textos griegos, latinos e italianos antiguos, como De rerum natura de Lucrecio y las obras de Plutarco. Además, sus ensayos fueron vistos como una contribución importante tanto a la forma de escritura como al escepticismo. El nombre en sí proviene de la palabra francesa essais, que significa «intentos» o «pruebas», que muestra cómo esta nueva forma de escritura no tenía como objetivo educar o probar. Más bien, sus ensayos fueron viajes exploratorios en los que trabaja a través de pasos lógicos para llevar el escepticismo a lo que se está discutiendo.



A startling and thought-provoking work from one of the most powerful philosophers in the Western canon Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Philosophy Classic, is Friedrich Nietzsche’s classic masterpiece of philosophy and literature. Nietzsche writes from the perspective of Zarathustra who, after years of meditation, has come down from a mountain to provide his wisdom to an unsuspecting world. He offers enduring observations on God, the Übermensch, the will to power, and the nature of human beings. This deluxe hardback Capstone edition includes an insightful introduction from leading Nietzsche scholar Dirk R. Johnson Perfect for students and scholars of philosophy, literature and history, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Philosophy Classic belongs in the libraries of anyone interested in the philosophy of Nietzsche and in his powerful explorations of God, life, power, and humanity.