
Milijardierius tariasi dėl kūdikio! Vienas žvilgsnis į žydras nekaltas sūnaus akis ir Eidanas Lengfordas supranta: jo nerūpestingo, pašėlusio gyvenimo dienos suskaičiuotos. Jei tik pavyktų įtikinti laikinąją sūnaus globėją Sarą Daltri pamokyti jį tėvystės… Geraširdė Sara tikrai sutiks su pasiūlymu dešimt dienų padirbėti aukle. Eidanui tik reikia susitelkti į tėvo pareigas ir nekreipti dėmesio į gundančias Saros kūno formas… Būdama žavaus magnato glėbyje Sara tampa dar budresnė, nors kūnas maldauja atsipalaiduoti. Mergina neketina tapti nuolatine aukle. Ypač kai tėvas ir sūnus tuoj tuoj pavergs jos širdį…










“You believe all of that business about there being a true love for everyone? Or is it just for your show?”“I do believe it.”Marcus took a look around the dance floor. All eyes on them.“I’m tempted to give them a show.”“What did you have in mind?”Ashley is a glamourous reality television presenter. Marcus is a reserved CEO with a baby daughter. Her life is untamed chaos and he prefers neatness and control. She’s into dance music, Marcus likes ‘60s soul. After one disastrous date three months ago they’ve been constantly warring neighbours.That is, until a fire destroys Ashley’s apartment mid-renovation and she finds herself living with the British billionaire.Despite their off-the-charts attraction, Marcus only dates women who would be suitable mothers for his daughter. His free-spirited neighbour is completely unsuitable. So why can’t he seem to keep her out of his bed… and out of his heart?The CEO Daddy Next Door is a full length opposites attract, single dad standalone romance from feel-good author Karen Booth.