
Millionen verdienen mit einem einzigen Brief Das Schreiben eines Werbebriefes, der kurz und bündig ist, aber doch alles Wesentliche umfassend erklärt und zum Handeln führt, ist ein Job für Experten. Robert Collier ist so ein Experte. Als «Meister der Werbebriefschreiber» hat er hunderte von Millionen Dollars in Umsätzen getätigt. Mit allen möglichen Artikeln; Bücher, Regenmäntel, Abonnements, Büromaschinen, Autos, Häuser, Möbel, Haushaltsgeräte usw.. Wir baten Mr. Collier vor einiger Zeit, uns aus den vielen tausend Werbebriefen 15 der besten auszuwählen. Sie finden sie in diesem Report. Diese Briefe sollen auch Ihnen verkaufen helfen. Wenn Sie sie für Ihre Zwecke einsetzen wollen, ändern Sie nur wenig daran. Denn der Erfolg dieser Briefe beruht in der Wortwahl und im Brieffluss. Aendern Sie wenn möglich lediglich Produktbezeichnungen oder die Dienstleistungsangebote. Es zahlt sich aus, diese Werbebriefe eingehend zu studieren. Neben dem direkten Einsatz für Ihre Werbung dienen sie Ihnen sicher auch dazu, eigene Werbebriefe nach diesen Erfolgsbeispielen abzufassen.


The Secret of the Ages shows the power of the subconscious mind, asserting deep revelation regarding the power of thoughts, the mind, and universal supply. It addresses the spiritual, mental and financial areas of life, pointing the importance of the right mental attitude in present and future success. Given that Collier trained to be a priest, the work contains a number of Biblical principles and quotes through which he tries to convey truths that have been substantiated globally.


Robert Collier is the author of the successful self-improvement and metaphysical books focusing on the practical psychology of abundance, desire, faith, visualization, confident action, and personal development. Content: "Riches Within Your Reach" presents the compilation of four Collier's works, assembled with the goal of explaining the importance of mental visualization in accomplishing prosperity and success. Collier's concepts are consistent to what most books on achievement subscribe to such as power of thoughts, law of attraction and compensation. What sets him apart from the others is the level of detail, intellectual depth and spiritual directness. The works assembled in Riches Within Your Reach are, «The God in You,» The Magic Word," «The Secret Power,» and «The Law of the Higher Potential.» "The Secret of the Ages" is an insightful book which deals with the power of the subconscious mind, asserting deep revelation regarding the power of thoughts, the mind, and universal supply. It addresses the spiritual, mental and financial areas of life, pointing the importance of the right mental attitude in present and future success. "The Robert Collier Letter Book" deals with copywriting and sales letters, explaining techniques, methods and the theory of letter writing which prove to be transferable to completely different times. The author presents plentiful examples of promotional letter writing from a bygone era which show the principles underlying the actual writing. Collier also discusses the interplay between marketing and business strategy, including accounting and product development. His samples provide highly relevant guidance for marketers.


Robert Collier was an author of self-improvement and New Thought metaphysical books. Collier wrote about the practical psychology of abundance, desire, faith, visualization, confident action, and personal development. Contents: "The Secret of the Ages" is an insightful book which deals with the power of the subconscious mind, asserting deep revelation regarding the power of thoughts, the mind, and universal supply. It addresses the spiritual, mental and financial areas of life, pointing the importance of the right mental attitude in present and future success. "Riches Within Your Reach" presents the compilation of four Collier's works, assembled with the goal of explaining the importance of mental visualization in accomplishing prosperity and success. Collier's concepts are consistent to what most books on achievement subscribe to such as power of thoughts, law of attraction and compensation. What sets him apart from the others is the level of detail, intellectual depth and spiritual directness. The works assembled in Riches Within Your Reach are, God in You," The Magic Word," «The Secret Power,» and «The Law of the Higher Potential.» "The Robert Collier Letter Book" deals with copywriting and sales letters, explaining techniques, methods and the theory of letter writing which prove to be transferable to completely different times. The author presents plentiful examples of promotional letter writing from a bygone era which show the principles underlying the actual writing. Collier also discusses the interplay between marketing and business strategy, including accounting and product development. His samples provide highly relevant guidance for marketers.


The Robert Collier Letter Book shows the best solutions for copywriting and sales letters, explaining techniques, methods and the theory of letter writing which prove to be transferable to completely different times. The author presents plentiful examples of promotional letter writing from a bygone era which show the principles underlying the actual writing. Collier also discusses the interplay between marketing and business strategy, including accounting and product development. His samples provide highly relevant guidance for marketers.


The God in You is a empowering book by Robert Collier. Before he went into business, Collier had trained to be the priest and this book is the result of his religious foundations and his business principles. His concepts and ideas are consistent to what most self-help books subscribe to such as power of thoughts and law of attraction. Collier sets himself apart with level of detail, intellectual depth and spiritual directness that aligns with people of faith.


The Secret Power is a self-development book by Robert Collier, American author of New Thought metaphysical books. Being quite enveloped in spiritual aspects on how to be financially free and successful, the author offers a deeper view of mentally and spiritually driven success. Content: The Creative Force The Urge The Mental Equivalent I AM The Talisman The Perfect Pattern To Him That Hath Everything Has Its Price Yesterday Ended Last Night The Undying Fire Prayer


Riches Within Your Reach is a self-development empowering book by Robert Collier, American author of metaphysical books. It presents the compilation of four of his works, assembled with the goal of explaining the importance of mental visualization in accomplishing prosperity and success. Collier's concepts are consistent to what most books on achievement subscribe to such as power of thoughts, law of attraction and compensation. What sets him apart from the others is the level of detail, intellectual depth and spiritual directness. Table of Contents: The God in You The Magic Word The Secret of Power The Law of the Higher Potential


The Magic Word is an empowering book by Robert Collier, American author of New Thought metaphysical books. This empowering book sends a powerful message and outlines exactly how to reach the desired and how to achieve financial and professional success. Content: The Law of Increase In the Beginning Treasure Mapping for Supply WANTED: Rain! Catalysts of Power The First Commandment The Three Laws of Life A Prayer for Work First Causes Old Man Gravity Life Begins with Movement The Key to Power P-R-A-I-S-E


The Magic Word is an empowering book by Robert Collier, American author of New Thought metaphysical books. This empowering book sends a powerful message and outlines exactly how to reach the desired and how to achieve financial and professional success. Content: The Law of Increase In the Beginning Treasure Mapping for Supply WANTED: Rain! Catalysts of Power The First Commandment The Three Laws of Life A Prayer for Work First Causes Old Man Gravity Life Begins with Movement The Key to Power P-R-A-I-S-E