
Everyone has an endocrine system made up of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas, gonads and the thymus. Each gland has an important function in providing hormones to the human body. The components of each part of the endocrine are in-depth and a pamphlet about this system breaks down each gland into important and easy to remember functions for the biology student.


Humans require a series of organs to effectively turn the food we eat into the energy our body needs. An informational pamphlet would greatly benefit a biology student in that it would be an overview of the necessary basics that the student can then build off of in future studies.


It is very common to struggle with weight loss, and it can be common to not fully understand where to start to meet any weight loss goals. Diet and weight loss guides can be very helpful in providing a process on how to lose weight. This will allow someone to have a reference, and this can be very encouraging and positive in the process. A guide should be catered to specific needs in order to help those that need to lose weight to finally discover the right solution


Dental anatomy addresses the composition and treatment of components within the mouth. It also micro-analyzes all aspects of teeth including, type, function, nerves and typical layers. A concise dental anatomy pamphlet will provide illustrated cross-sections of teeth and all structures involved in dentistry. Full color dental anatomy pamphlets are some of the most helpful aids in studying aspects of biology and dentistry.


Some of the most commonly used grammatical mistakes would be creating run-on sentences and failing to utilize capital letters properly. This is likely due to the vast majority of the daily writing in society is non-formal that we fail to revert back upon the proper use of grammar when necessary i.e. text messages and personal blogs. A reference guide about these two common pitfalls in grammar would be of great benefit to most people as it would help people to recognize when they have written incorrectly, and it would serve as a constant reminder of the proper way to handle these issues,


Learning everything that there is to know about the Human Circulatory System can be very beneficial especially for biology students and this pamphlet provides that with its detailed diagrams. This can help a student to learn the key terms and its associations. A great study aid for these students.


As health research and technology continue to advance, more information about the human body is being discovered. Anyone who is pursuing higher education about the human body and how it performs receives advanced information about the human circulatory system. This system is the combination of the body's organs and tissues working together to transport blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. A pamphlet would benefit a biology or medical student because it would be a tool for learning and studying.


The circulatory system consists of the veins and arteries throughout the body through which blood flows to and from the heart. Owning a reference guide to the circulatory system is a valuable tool in any first aid kit. A reference guide will allow the owner to immediately recognize the severity of an injury based entirely on where the injury occurs and by the amount of blood flowing from the wound. This knowledge will determine how a person treats the injury.


Calculus is a difficult branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of change and often deals with the application of complex equations. Due to its complex nature, calculus contains dozens of terms that can be near impossible to remember. A reference guide for calculus will greatly benefit students and mathematicians alike by providing a quick tool with which to study or look up terms on a whim. Without a reference, most people attempting a calculus equation are flying blind.


Business law is the vast series of laws, rules and regulations that impact and dictate business. Many are complex and ever changing. This makes it challenging for business owners and operators to stay on top of current legal issues and issues. A reference book that is up to date, factual and comprehensive can save businesses both time and money by offering baseline details about the laws for all types of business and thus how they impact the business in question.