
“My Inventions” is a candid and illuminating autobiography of Nikola Tesla, one of the most important technological innovators of the modern industrial age. Famous for the radio, robotics, and wireless energy, Tesla quickly gained international notoriety for his pioneering inventions as much for his eccentric life. Perhaps no one in his day more thoroughly embodied the archetype of the “mad scientist”. This firsthand account reveals the fascinating interior life of a genius. In it we see a prodigious man musing over the Tesla coil, magnifying transmitter, transformer, and the rotating magnetic field. Written by the brilliant inventor himself, “My Inventions” is a fascinating window into the principles and practices of Tesla’s singular world. Tesla’s public rivalry with Thomas Edison, with whom he worked early on, fueled his celebrity. Here we witness the art and science behind the conception, execution, and reception of Tesla’s most famous inventions. Also included in this collection are the writings “Tesla Would Pour Lightning from Airships to Consume Foe”, “The Action of the Eye”, and “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy”.


If it took reduction or torch hair, the Cirissins wanted a bump. Hokum, thistle, gluck.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. «For ages this idea [that each of us is only part of a whole] has been proclaimed in the consummately wise teachings of religion, probably not alone as a means of insuring peace and harmony among men, but as a deeply founded truth. The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one.»


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. In 1893 he patented an electro-mechanical oscillator as a steam-powered electric generator. By his own account, one version of the oscillator caused an earthquake in New York City in 1898, for which it was accorded the moniker, «Tesla's earthquake machine.»


Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. During college his professors explained that it was impossible to design an engine without commutators or brushes. Tesla was unconvinced that such was necessary or even particularly desirable. It was then that Tesla began his work on the rotating field motor that ultimately gave birth to the modern age. In May of 1888, Tesla delivered his lecture «A New System of Alternating Current Motors and Transformers» before The American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the world has never been the same.