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sighed. “No, it’s my own fault. As many times as you’ve told me to leave it alone, you think I’d give up.”

      He snuggled in closer, wrapping his large body around hers. “Don’t ever give up on me, baby. No matter how much like a jackass I behave.” He squeezed her against him so quickly and so tight Andrea could barely breath, and just as quickly he released his viselike hold. “Don’t ever give up on me.”

      Andrea said nothing. His words were too close to her fretful contemplations.

      Cal propped himself up on one elbow. “Look, what happened to me is nothing new, it comes with the job. The bad dreams—all that will stop eventually. It’s just that it is still fresh in my mind. I’ll be fine.”

      She turned to face him. “So, it has nothing to do with feeling like you failed Marco?”

      “Maybe a little. But I’ll get over that, too. I just need some time and your understanding.”

      The patient look in his soft brown eyes and his gently spoken words made her brave, and Andrea decided to voice her one hope. “Cal, maybe you should give up firefigh—”

      He quickly covered her lips with two fingers. “Shh, don’t even think it.” He chuckled. “Really, I’m going to be okay. Like I said before, it’s just part of the job.”

      “But, Cal, if you can’t—”

      Suddenly, he reached up and pulled her head down to his, covering her mouth with his own. He quickly kissed her once, just a soft peck as if exploring for her response, and it came quickly when she returned the kiss, but with more conviction.

      Looking into her eyes, his full lips spread in a slow smile before his eyes closed and he kissed her again, this time with all the precision and finesse that Andrea had come to expect. Slowly, he shifted their bodies, bearing her back down into the bedding.

      Andrea felt his warm, calloused hands on each of her thighs as he worked his way beneath the thin silk teddy she wore. She gave a sharp gasp, feeling his rising bulge against her thigh.

      She moaned softly, feeling his hot breath on her neck and then his warm tongue as he nibbled and licked his way down her neck headed straight for her exposed cleavage.

      Unable to hold back any longer, Andrea reached out, taking his head between her hands, needing to kiss him again. She needed the familiar taste of his tongue in her mouth and of their own will, her legs fell open.

      Cal knew an invitation when one was extended. He lifted himself up to remove his pajama pants and Andrea immediately sat up to help work them down his hips. He chuckled at her anxiousness, and placed his hands over her trembling ones. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear.

      “If you don’t slow down, this is going to be over before it begins.”

      Ignoring his words, Andrea pressed her hungry mouth against his rock hard midsection, working her way up his warm, muscular chest and continued pushing the offensive pants down his legs. She desperately needed to get them off of him.

      Lifting her arms, she waited impatiently for him to unsnap the teddy and pull it over her head. And then her hands were all over him again.

      “You’re so beautiful,” she whined, feeling the ripple of muscles under almost every inch of skin she touched.

      Cal gently pushed her back down onto the bed. “No, baby, you are the beautiful one.” Coming over her, Cal braced himself on his elbows, as his penis sought her entrance. He struggled to control his breathing, to slow himself down, but it was hard when her warm, wet opening was reaching for him, trying desperately to draw him inside her body.

      Andrea felt her heart beating like crazy when the tip of his penis entered her. She parted her legs as wide as possible, wanting nothing more than for him to drive deep inside of her…when the telephone rang making both of them jump in surprise.

      Ignoring it, she reached up and grabbed his hips, trying to pull him inside her before it was too late. She had a pretty good idea of who was calling. Whenever his cell phone was turned off, they called her house. Just one more reason to despise the Detroit Fire Department.

      “Hurry, baby, I need you so bad,” she cried, feeling Cal hesitate.

      He looked down into her needy eyes, farther down to where their bodies were almost joined, his erection standing at full tilt, then, cursing under his breath, he rolled away from her to answer the phone.

      Andrea reacted without thought, slamming her fist against the pillow. “But you’re off duty!” She knew she sounded like a spoiled child, but she couldn’t help it.

      “I’m the chief now, Andrea. I have to be available at all times.” He picked up the cordless phone from its base. “Hello?”

      His eyes widened and his head swung around to Andrea. Sensing something was terribly wrong, Andrea sat up in the bed as Cal continued the conversation.

      “Hello, Mrs. Chenault. Uh, yes, she’s here. Um, just one moment.” He covered the mouthpiece on the receiver. “I’m sorry, baby. What the hell is your mother doing calling here at two in the morning?” he whispered nervously.

      Andrea subconsciously glanced at the clock as if to mentally confirm the time. There was only one reason her mother would be calling at that hour.

      Taking a deep, fortifying breath, she accepted the phone. “Hi, Mom.”

      “Andrea, I’m down at Detroit Receiving Hospital.” Margaret Chenault’s naturally soft voice was fainter than usual, and Andrea struggled to hear her. “I’m sorry to bother you like this, but do you think you can come get me?”

      She was already scooting to the edge of the bed. There was no reason to ask why her mother was in the emergency room at two o’clock in the morning, she already knew.

      “I’ll be right there.” A few seconds later, she hung up the phone and studiously avoided Cal’s eyes. She went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.

      Cal sat on the side of the bed watching her in silence. The amorous mood had completely dissipated.

      Finally, when it became obvious Andrea was not going to volunteer any information, he asked the question, already knowing the answer. “He hit her again, didn’t he?”

      Andrea was fully dressed and slipping her feet into a pair of sandals. “Yes.” She spoke barely above a whisper.

      Instantly Cal was behind her protectively wrapping her in his arms, as if he could physically shield her from the pain. He asked another question that he already knew the answer to. “Can I come with you?”

      Andrea dropped her head, and whispered, “No.”

      “Why won’t you let me take care of him? Trust me, after I got through with him, he wouldn’t be hitting anybody.” He spoke with complete conviction, and Andrea believed him, which was why she refused his help.

      “He’s still my father, Cal.”

      Cal rested his chin on the top of her head. “Why you feel any loyalty to him is beyond me. But just so we understand each other, Andrea. If he ever lays a finger on you…all bets are off.”

      She reached up and covered the strong arms that circled her body, savoring the feeling of warmth and love she knew she would need to get through the night. “Like I told you before, he’s never hit me. Just her…always her.”

      “Why won’t she leave him?” he whispered in frustration.

      Andrea’s mind was racing with images from her childhood and well into her adult years. So many memories, most of them not good. “When I have an answer to that question, I’ll tell you.”

      Chapter 4

      Three women filed into the spa for their monthly standing reservation. Even in the blue funk that Andrea had been experiencing lately, she couldn’t

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