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the poster is the question “And babies?” and the answer, “And babies,” from an interview of Paul Meadlo, one of the US soldiers involved at My Lai, conducted by Mike Wallace of CBS News. The “And Babies” poster had been commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art and the Artist Workers Coalition; when a proof copy of the poster was shown to William Paley and Nelson Rockefeller, trustees of MoMA, the poster was rejected and the MoMA director was fired. The Artist Workers Coalition printed the posters on its own, and they were quickly circulated in New York and around the world. Copies of the poster apparently arrived in Berkeley in late December 1969 or early January 1970.70

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      Other posters showing Vietnamese or Southeast Asian settings are “Nature Is Beautiful (So Is Human Nature) Conserve It” (plate 2), one of several posters gesturing toward the developing environmental movement, and in this case suggesting a link between the environmental movement and the peace movement from which it seemed in danger of diverging; and “Free Asia—U.S. Get Out Now” (plate 6); “Asia for Asians!!” (plate 7); “Her Suffering for Our Comfort? STRIKE” (plate 8); “Vietnam: Spilled Blood Split the Country” (plate 30), again an image of a Vietnamese mother, this time with a dead or injured baby—the country split is the United States; and “Unity in Our Love of Man” (plate 33). “Did You Vote for This? Who Did?” (plate 13) is based on a 1968 AP photograph of the bodies of US Marines on Hill 689 in Khe Sanh, South Vietnam.72 The image of a woman carrying a child in plate 30 is apparently based on a news photograph of a Vietnamese woman carrying a horribly burned baby “after an accidental napalm raid twenty-six miles southwest of Saigon.”73

      “Did You Vote for This? Who Did?” is an indirect invocation of the political order in the United States, and, for those who remember, a reminder that both Lyndon Johnson (in 1964) and Richard Nixon (in 1968) won the presidency with promises of peace—which were then contradicted by their actions—and that the evident futility of the war drove Lyndon Johnson from the presidency in 1968. The “Who Did?” is a rhetorical question, implying that because both winning candidates—and in 1968 both Hubert Humphrey and Richard Nixon—promised peace, in effect no one voted for “this.” Similarly, “Vietnam: Spilled Blood Split the Country” refers to the double collateral damage of the war—to innocent civilians in Vietnam and to the civic peace of the United States. Implicitly, such appeals are not a rejection of the political order in the United States but a lament for its weakening by the war. plate 26, “War Is Unhealthy for America,” similarly implies that the war is damaging the people and America itself, including its civic life.74

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