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      Table of Contents

       Table of Contents


       Other books by W. E. Gutman


       Chapter 1

       Chapter 2

       Chapter 3

       Chapter 4

       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8

       Chapter 9

       Chapter 10

       Chapter 11

       Chapter 12

       Chapter 13

       Chapter 14

       Chapter 15

       Chapter 16



       Back cover


      EIN SOF

      W. E. GUTMAN

      CCB Publishing

      British Columbia, Canada

      Flight from Ein Sof

      Copyright ©2012 by W. E. Gutman

      ISBN-13 978-1-927360-88-0

      First Edition

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      Gutman, W. E., 1937-

      Flight from Ein Sof [electronic resource] / written by W. E. Gutman – 1st ed.

      ISBN 978-1-927360-88-0

      Also available in print format.

      I. Title.

      PS3607.U86 F65 2009 813.6 C2009-900633-2

      Additional cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada

      Original art and cover design by Tony Cartisano, Norwalk, Connecticut.

      The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the author.


      CCB Publishing

      British Columbia, Canada


      To a worker in the vineyard of negentropy, with heartfelt gratitude.


      And to my wife, Linda

      with love.

       Also by W. E. Gutman

      Journey to Xibalba –

      The Subversion of Human Rights in Central America

      © 2000, Reporter’s Notebook (out of print)

      NOCTURNES – Tales From The Dreamtime

      © 2006, Fiction (ISBN 1-4259-5951-2)

      ADRIFT – Life In Transit

      © 2008, Autobiography (ISBN-13 978-0-9810246-9-1)

      The Inventor

      © 2010, Fiction (ISBN-13 978-1-927360-89-7)


      The Roots of Dissent, Memoirs of a Radical

      © 2012, Autobiography One Last DreamUn Dernier Rêve (French translation)© 2012, Screenplays


      Chronicles of Madness Foretold

      © 2012, Short Stories

      ... This time for sure, this time forever, but it turned to sand slipping through our hand, as time slipped away ....

      The Grateful Dead

      Scripture -- when it says that God is angry with sinners and that He is a judge who takes cognizance of human actions, passes sentences on them, and judges them -- is speaking humanly and in a way adapted to the received opinion of the masses.

      Its purpose is not to teach philosophy, nor to render men wise, but to make them obedient.

      Baruch Spinoza

      There is no Absolute, no Reason, no God, no Spirit at work in the world: nothing but the brute instinctive will to live.

      Arthur Schopenhauer

      It is useless to talk about reality in metaphysical terms as reality cant possibly reflect the fragmented and hallucinatory nature of the dreams that reality m i m i cs.

      Unlike reality, a dream does not have ameaning.A dream is its own meaning.


      A close friend, a fellow-journalist, inhabits his past the way Diogenes occupied his barrel -- a loner given to periodic fits of acrimony and despair.

      Whereas Diogenes sought “Light” (knowledge) in the shadowy regions of human credulity, malice and

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