
Worldwide child and youth poverty and deprivation remain the biggest barrier to achieving a better life in adulthood. Progress in lifting children out of poverty in the last decades has been slow and limited in the developing world, while the recent global economic crisis has exacerbated child poverty, youth unemployment, and social exclusion in many developed countries. By critically unraveling the long-term consequences of growing up poor, the close linkages between multiple deprivations and violation of human rights in childhood and adolescence, and their effects on labor market entry and future career in a number of developing and developed countries, this book significantly enriches the existing literature. Drawing on multiple disciplinary perspectives, it makes a forceful case for the eradication of child poverty to take center stage in the Sustainable Development Goals.


Путь к безграничному счастью Ознакомление с мудрыми учениями Свами Омкарананда «В наше время люди настолько ограничили себя рамками собственного тела и материального мира, что теперь сомневаются даже и в существовании духовного. Все, что является реальностью всех реальностей, основной при- чиной существования интеллекта и рождения мыслей, отодвигается в сторону, как нечто нереальное. Как велико их неведение! … … По сравнению с бесконечностью вселенной планета Земля похожа на пылинку, а человек чувствует себя созданием этой пылинки. Но объем его внутрен него существа значительно переступает через меж звездные пространства космического откровения. Величие при- роды человека неоспоримо, наше положение по исти- не несокрушимо. Все способности, возможности и действенные силы человека основаны на безграничной, вечной Истине.» В данной книге посвященный мастер открывает полным решимости искателям методы и пути достижения нахо- дящегося в них Королевства Небес (переводы текстов мастера из английских подлинников).


This study investigates how Janet Frame weaves together literary sources from her extensive reading to create a web of intertextual relationships. Patricia Neville traces Frame’s passion for books beginning with her childhood and earliest published work in the Otago Daily Times. Drawing on new research and through close readings of Frame’s novels, she discusses the effects of Frame’s borrowings from the Bible and Shakespeare and from writing from New Zealand, Britain, France, and the USA.
A fascinating read not only for scholars, but for all admirers of Janet Frame’s fiction.


"In the wake of the fear that gripped Europe after the fall of Constantinople (1453), the English dramatists joined most continental artists (literary and visual) in representing the Ottoman Turks in plays inspired by historical events. As the many subjective elements involved in the stereotyping of the Turks in these plays—revolving around complex themes such as tyranny, captivity, war, and conquests—arose from their perception of Islam, Ottoman milieu as a dramatic setting provided for the English audiences a common experience of fascination and fear of the Other. The Ottomans' failure in the second siege of Vienna (1683), however, became a factor in the reversal of trends in the representation of the Turks on stage. As the ascending strength of a web of European alliances began to check further the Ottoman expansion, what then began to dazzle the aesthetic imagination of the eighteenth century England was the sultan's seraglio with images of extravaganza and decadence.
In this book, Esin Akalın draws upon a selective range of seventeenth and eighteenth century plays to reach an understanding, both from a non-European perspective and Western standpoint how one culture represents the other through discourse, historiography, and drama. The book explores a cluster of issues revolving around identity and difference in terms of history, ideology, and politics of representation. In contextualizing political, cultural, and intellectual roots in the ideology of representing the Ottoman/Muslim as the West’s Other, the author, ultimately, tackles with the questions of how history serves literature and to what extent literature creates history.


Written for BRFplus consultants, ABAP developers, and solution architects, this expert guide offers tips and techniques for optimizing the use of BRFplus in scenarios where business rules need to be applied to many business cases simultaneously. Explore how to push past the breaking point of BRFplus rules by enabling scalability and process any size of population dependent only on the physical resources available. Review BRFplus basics. Dive into design rules for a single-run scenario and learn how to avoid poor-performance traps. Analyze principles for designing business rules for mass-execution scenarios. Obtain guidelines for designing ABAP programs to enable parallel processing of business logic, which is critical for handling big data. Get an introduction to the Application Interface Framework (AIF) and learn how to create HANA Rules Framework (HRF) using analytical mode in BRFplus. Readers will learn how to:
– Use BRFplus in a single-run scenario – Create BRFplus rules for mass execution – Design ABAP programs to enable parallel processing of business logic – Monitor BRFplus with the SAP Application Interface Framework


New release of the classic in English-Arabic! Ladybird Marie is sick. She can no longer paint. Her hands and wings are in splints. Diana, the dragonfly always helps other animals and helps Marie. Will Marie ever paint again? As the summer comes to an end, Diana feels unwell. Now who can help Diana?فِي العَدَدِ القَادِم مِن سِلْسِلَة القِصَص! اللغة الإنكليزيَّة – العَربيَّة..الخُنْفُسَاء مَاري يَائِسَة. فَهِيَ لَمْ تَعُدْ قَادِرة عَلى الرَّسْمِ ، وَذَلِكَ لأنَ يَدَهَا وَجَنَاحَها مُلتَويَين. أما اليعسوبة لُولِيتا ، التي تساعد دائماً جميع الحيوانات ، فَسَتُطَبِّبُ ماري أيضاً. فهل سَتَتَمَكن ماري مِنَ الرَسْمِ بِشَكلٍ جَيِّد من جَدِيد؟ وَعِندَما قَارَبَ الصَّيف عَلَى الإنْتِهاءِ سَاءَ حَالُ لُولِيتا. فمَن سَيَقُومُ بِمُسَاعَدَتِها الآن؟


Nuova edizione in italiano del classico inglese!Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…New release of the classic in Italian-English!Ladybird Marie meets the little Buzzard Ben who doesn't like to catch mice.He prefers to play with them. His parents don't like this!But then the buzzard family is threatened by crows…


Neuauflage des Klassikers! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft den kleinen Bussard Horst. Der möchte keine Mäuse fangen. Er spielt lieber mit den Mäusen. Seinen Eltern gefällt das gar nicht! Doch dann wird die Bussardfamilie von Krähen bedroht…Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…


Neuerscheinung! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft die kleine Schwalbe Ina. Keiner möchte mehr Inas Gute-Nacht-Lieder hören, die sie den ganzen Tag über singt.Darüber ist Ina sehr traurig. Als ihre Familie in den Süden fliegen will bleibt Ina bei ihrer kranken Freundin Marie.Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la rondinella Sofia. Sofia è molto triste: nessuno vuole più ascoltare le ninne nanne che la piccola rondine canta per tutta la giornata.Quando la sua famiglia decide di volare al sud, Sofia rimane con la sua amica malata Bella.


"Concentration does not mean meditation; on the contrary, concentration is a state one must be in continuously, whatever the outer activity. By concentration I mean that all the energy, all the will, all the aspiration must be turned only towards the Divine and His integral realisation in our consciousness." – The Mother