
Когда я, выпав за борт круизного лайнера, тонула в Индийском океане, я была готова душу продать дьяволу за спасение. Но я и подумать не могла, насколько материальны наши мысли. Потому что тот, кто спас меня, вовсе не ангел с нимбом и крыльями… Когда я получил сигнал бедствия, я и подумать не мог, что спасать мне выпадет честь дочь обманутого мной миллиардера. Она очаровала меня уже в тот момент, когда выплюнула мне в лицо морскую воду. Пожалуй, я подержу эту русалку в своем «аквариуме», пока она не отблагодарит меня за свое спасение…





AIR POLLUTION, CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Anthropogenic climate change is a globally recognized threat multiplier. Yet, decades of intergovernmental negotiations have failed to curb toxic levels of fossil fuel energy-related air pollution which the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified as the world's largest, single environmental health risk. Lying in plain view are the troubling truths about the morbidity and ill-health burdens associated with anthropogenic climate change that are borne by those who have done the least to contribute to per capita emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. Ignoring the nexus between air pollution, lack of access to clean energy and climate adversities represents a collective failure of the UN's ambitious, universally agreed upon 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDA) which pledged ' to leave no one behind '. This book highlights the air pollution crisis that emanates from the heavy reliance on polluting forms of energy and the urbanization of poverty in developing countries. It provides a framework for understanding why the broader sustainable development community needs to address the more neglected intersection between adverse climatic impacts and energy-related air pollution which devastates the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us, especially young children, women and the elderly. It focuses on the importance of breaking down persistent global silos and goals on sustainable energy for all, and climate change reflected in the UN's 2030 SDA, and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Integrating clean air and climate mitigation measures that specifically include curbing short lived climate pollutants such as black carbon via innovative partnerships/modalities are seen as vital to clean energy and climate responsive action. This book argues that linked actions by non-nation state actors aimed at reducing air pollution and ameliorating short term climate pollutants in the most populous cities, particularly in countries like India where annual average particulate matter pollution levels consistently exceed WHO guidelines are essential in reducing grave health costs and disease burdens. Air Pollution, Clean Energy and Climate Change will be of particular interest to policy makers, researchers, environmental advocates, civil society stakeholders and practitioners who want to understand the urgency of addressing linkages between climate change, fossil fuel energy, air pollution and public health risks. The cover image is an oil painting by Anilla Cherian, which incorporates tree bark and twigs, and serves as a reminder of the daily energy sources used by millions who lack access to clean energy and are exposed to high levels of household air pollution. It is the second-part of a series, with the first one serving as the cover image to Energy and Global Climate Change (Cherian, 2015). Photograph of painting by Alison Sheehy Photography.


The first volume of the ultimate reference on the science and applications of aggregation-induced emission  The Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission  explores foundational and advanced topics in aggregation-induced emission, as well as cutting-edge developments in the field, celebrating twenty years of progress and achievement in this important and interdisciplinary field. The three volumes combine to offer readers a comprehensive and insightful interpretation accessible to both new and experienced researchers working on aggregation-induced emission.  In this first volume of three, the editors survey the subject of aggregation-induced emission with a focus on the fundamentals of various branches of the discipline, such as crystallization-induced emission, room temperature phosphorescence, aggregation-induced delayed fluorescence, and more. This book covers the new properties of materials endowed by molecular aggregates. It also includes:  A thorough introduction to the mechanistic understanding of the importance of molecular motion to aggregation-induced emission An exploration of the aggregation-induced emission mechanism at the molecular level Practical discussions of aggregation-induced emission from the restriction of double bond rotation at the excited state, and clusterization-triggered emission Perfect for academic researchers working on aggregation-induced emission, this set of volumes is also ideal for professionals and students in the fields of photophysics, photochemistry, materials science, optoelectronic materials, synthetic organic chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, polymer science, and biological sciences.


FINDING INNER SAFETY FIND SAFETY, SECURITY AND PEACE IN THE MODERN WORLD. When we work hard, sometimes we put our mental health on the backburner. Stress, a lack of sleep and other factors can quickly lead to burnout. How can we balance our goals with a peaceful lifestyle? Replace stress, burnout and surviving with resilience, energy-optimisation and thriving. With expert guidance from international author and speaker Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, you’ll learn how to use quick, manageable solutions to make a profound difference to your mindset, energy levels and subsequent productivity. In plain language everybody can understand, Finding Inner Safety will help readers: Learn why we’re constantly on the lookout for threats Come to terms with the actual dangers we face Understand the key principles of safety science and strategies for feeling safer and more secure Realise the wisdom we can draw from the natural world around us Make choices that help us thrive, rather than merely survive To lead a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle, finding safety and security from within yourself is an essential first step. Finding Inner Safety provides practical knowledge, insight, and methods to help you unwind from our modern world in a deeper sense, both at home and at work, without asking you to give up on your ambitious goals.



Create the next very hungry caterpillar, big red dog, or cat in the hat with a hand from this trusted guide In Writing Children’s Books For Dummies, you’ll learn what to write between “Once upon a time . . .” and “The End” as you dive into chapters about getting started writing, how to build great characters, and how to design a dramatic plot. On top of the technical writing advice, you’ll discover how talented illustrators work and how to find an agent. The newest edition of this popular For Dummies title even shows you how to choose a publisher—or self-publish—and how to use social media and other marketing and PR to get the word out about your new masterpiece. In the book, you’ll learn about: The fundamentals of writing for children, including common book formats and genres, and the structure of the children’s book market Creating a spellbinding story with scene description, engaging dialogue, and a child-friendly tone Polishing your story to a radiant shine with careful editing and rewriting Making the choice between a traditional publisher, a hybrid publisher, or self-publishing Using the most-effective marketing and publicity techniques to get your book noticed Perfect for anyone who’s ever dreamed of creating the next Ferdinand the Bull or Grinch, Writing Children’s Books For Dummies is an essential, easy-to-read guide for budding children’s authors everywhere.
