
Гуляя по городу, я случайно наткнулась на портал, ведущий в другой мир, где правят маги и колдуны, где над головой летают драконы и фениксы, а пейзажи похожи на сказочный сон. Волей случая (или судьбы) я теперь невеста второго наследника правящего магического рода, правда первый наследник не в восторге от этой идеи. Хм, он думает, что я специально сюда прибыла, по его наследную душу. Да сдался он мне, заносчивое высочество. А еще новый мир подарил мне необычный Дар, который не встречался уже несколько сотен лет, поэтому за мою руку и сердце ведется нешуточная борьба. Это похоже на сказку? Возможно. Но все так радужно, как может показаться на первый взгляд, да и домой попасть оказалось не так просто. Ну ничего, прорвемся и будем изучать, куда меня занесло. Вы говорите, первый принц меня не любит? Ну ничего, очаруем, влюбим, но не сильно. Я невоспитанная деревенщина? Ну так воспитаемся и образуемся. Бывшая невеста принца объявилась? А вот это уже интересно…


Я не могла забеременеть и обратилась к знахарке – и она обещала, что до полнолуния у меня всё получится! Да только беда – муж бросил. Теперь у меня ни жилья, ни мужа, от которого можно забеременеть. И одна случайная ночь с восхитительным незнакомцем ничего не изменит. Но теперь у меня задержка, а незнакомец оказывается моим боссом, который меня даже не помнит! И что мне сказать, когда всё вскроется? Только одно – я нечаянно…


Я живу у своего бывшего парня Макса и притворяюсь его сестрой. Он влиятельный властный мужчина и привык получать желаемое. Когда его жены нет дома, он берет меня так, как ему нравится. Тайна будит в нас звериные сексуальные потребности. Мы с радостью воплощаем все мечты в реальность и теперь я хочу за него замуж. Но все меняется после случайной встречи с охранником. Он открывает для меня новые виды секса. Секс, в котором нет границ, нет предела. Завтра Паша собирается сделать для меня подарок: позвать своих земляков и устроить мой первый групповой секс. P.S.: Проды добавляются каждый день.


Я затерялась на острове в самый разгар цунами. Все вокруг рушится и исчезает в бесконечных потоках воды. Спасение пришло в виде незнакомца, который самоотверженно боролся за мою жизнь с разбушевавшейся стихией. Мы выжили и остались заперты непогодой в домике в гуще джунглей. Я и то, кому мало одной лишь моей благодарности … Содержит нецензурную брань.


Comprehensive coverage of weapon damage effects on a variety of objects Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition delivers a thorough exploration of a range of issues related to the effects of ammunition and weapons. The book includes coverage of the basic concepts of the theory of efficiency and the physical foundations of the functional and damaging effects of fragments, shaped charges, high-explosive and penetrating weapons. The author discusses the calculation formulas used to evaluation the parameters of damage fields and their interaction with various objects. Additionally, the book expands on the damage criteria of weapons, the characteristics of the vulnerability of objects with respect to a variety of damaging factors, dependencies for assessing safe distances, and the resistance of various structures to the effects of explosion and impact. Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition also offers: Detailed calculation methods indicating areas of application and the necessary units of used quantities Extensive examples of classic designs of ammunition from around the world Discussions of the characterization of various types of ammunition, including high-explosive, fragment, penetrative, and shaped charges A chapter on the numerical simulation of high-speed processes Perfect for technical specialists working in the fields of explosion safety and explosives, Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition also belongs in the libraries of researchers and students studying explosion phenomena, explosive technologies, explosion safety, and materials science.



A comprehensive and hands-on guide to crucial math concepts and terminology In the newly revised third edition of All the Math You’ll Ever Need: A Self-Teaching Guide , veteran math and computer technology teacher Carolyn Wheater and veteran mathematics author Steve Slavin deliver a practical and accessible guide to math you can use every day and apply to a wide variety of life tasks. From calculating monthly mortgage payments to the time you’ll need to pay off a credit card, this book walks you through the steps to understanding basic math concepts. This latest edition is updated to reflect recent changes in interest rates, prices, and wages, and incorporates information on the intelligent and efficient use of calculators and mental math techniques. It also offers: A brand-new chapter on hands-on statistics to help readers understand common graphs An easy-to-use-format that provides an interactive method with frequent questions, problems, and self-tests Complete explanations of necessary mathematical concepts that explore not just how math works, but also why it worksPerfect for anyone seeking to make practical use of essential math concepts and strategies in their day-to-day life, All the Math You’ll Ever Need is an invaluable addition to the libraries of students who want a bit of extra help applying math in the real world.


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND QUANTUM COMPUTING FOR ADVANCED WIRELESS NETWORKS A practical overview of the implementation of artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology in large-scale communication networks Increasingly dense and flexible wireless networks require the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for planning network deployment, optimization, and dynamic control. Machine learning algorithms are now often used to predict traffic and network state in order to reserve resources for smooth communication with high reliability and low latency. In Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks , the authors deliver a practical and timely review of AI-based learning algorithms, with several case studies in both Python and R. The book discusses the game-theory-based learning algorithms used in decision making, along with various specific applications in wireless networks, like channel, network state, and traffic prediction. Additional chapters include Fundamentals of ML, Artificial Neural Networks (NN), Explainable and Graph NN, Learning Equilibria and Games, AI Algorithms in Networks, Fundamentals of Quantum Communications, Quantum Channel, Information Theory and Error Correction, Quantum Optimization Theory, and Quantum Internet, to name a few. The authors offer readers an intuitive and accessible path from basic topics on machine learning through advanced concepts and techniques in quantum networks. Readers will benefit from: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms, including linear and logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, bagging, boosting, and support vector machines An exploration of artificial neural networks, including multilayer neural networks, training and backpropagation, FIR architecture spatial-temporal representations, quantum ML, quantum information theory, fundamentals of quantum internet, and more Discussions of explainable neural networks and XAI Examinations of graph neural networks, including learning algorithms and linear and nonlinear GNNs in both classical and quantum computing technology Perfect for network engineers, researchers, and graduate and masters students in computer science and electrical engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks is also an indispensable resource for IT support staff, along with policymakers and regulators who work in technology.



Explore the cutting-edge in self-healing polymers and composites In Extrinsic and Intrinsic Approaches to Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites, a pair of distinguished materials scientists delivers an insightful and up-to-date exploration of the fundamentals, theory, design, fabrication, characterization, and application of self-healing polymers and polymer composites. The book discusses how to prepare self-healing polymeric materials, how to increase the speed of crack repair, high temperature applications, and how to broaden the spectrum of healing agent species. The authors emphasize the integration of existing techniques with novel synthetic approaches for target-oriented materials design and fabrication. They provide a comprehensive view of this emerging field, allowing new researchers to gather a firm understanding of the framework for creating new materials or applications. Additionally, the book includes: A thorough introduction to the field of self-healing polymers and polymer composites, including the advances made by various laboratories and the challenges, trends, and future directions that characterize modern research in the area Comprehensive explorations of the self-healing strategies proposed by the authors, including addition polymerization, systems-based microcapsules and plastic tubes, and more Practical discussions of the application of reversible S-S bonds in self-healing polymers In-depth examinations of intrinsic self-healing via reversible C-ON bonds Perfect for polymer and materials scientists, chemists, and engineers, Extrinsic and Intrinsic Approaches to Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites will also earn a place in the libraries of professionals working in the polymer, coatings, paints, medical, defense, and pharmaceutical industries.