
Former social worker-turned-private investigator Matt Jacob has had his share of vices and woes. But he has always managed to stay one foot ahead of the criminals he hunts, while keeping one foot out of the grave. Now Matt is struggling to kick his addictions, put his demons under wraps and settle down with a woman who makes him happy. Then, a phone call changes everything.Lou, the father of Matt’s dead wife, is on the line, irascible and distraught. His new girlfriend’s son has attempted suicide and Lou, for some unknown reason, refuses to get paramedics or the police involved. When Matt uncovers the truth behind this boy’s despair, everything he has worked so hard for could end in an instant: his sobriety, his relationships with loved ones, even his own life.In Ties That Blind, Zachary Klein brings back some of the most original and riveting characters in crime fiction and puts them in a story that grips from the first page to the last.



Случайно бросаешь взгляд в окно и вздрагиваешь. Что-то мелькнуло там, чья-то тень. Вновь уверяешь себя, что показалось. Как всегда какая-нибудь птица, далекие фары машин, ветер… Ты ловко находишь странностям простые объяснения. Хорошо умеешь лгать себе. Но против воли думаешь: "Что же обитает там, по ту сторону окна?".


Это история о двух средневековых вампирах, которые пытаются снова стать людьми. Хозяин дневника, первый человек, столкнувшийся с проклятьем жажды крови, старается сохранять оптимизм, несмотря на все совершенные ошибки. Он пытается найти счастье в смирении со своей новой сущностью, пока не случается нечто страшное…


London, 1554. Light-fingered Jack Blackjack wakes in a tavern's yard with a sore head, his knife smeared with blood and a dead stranger lying beside him. Jack may have robbed the man but he's certain that he didn't kill him.
Unfortunately, the man's purse contains something much more valuable than money and, as the prime suspect for the murder, everyone is on Jack's tail. He needs to get out of the city, and fast, but a rebel army is marching on London: the bridge is blocked and every gate manned. Trapped in the city, Jack must avoid being caught long enough to find the real murderer.


«Такова человеческая природа – „бей или беги“. Но что, если бежать некуда, а сражение – бессмысленное кровопролитие – ни к чему не ведет? Что делать, если ты уже побежден? А твой враг – временной парадокс? Или собственная семья… Отказаться от человеческой природы ради спортивных достижений. Потеряв все, остаться последним человеком на космической станции. Утратить собственное имя… Сборник рассказов «Ключ к человечности». А как поведешь себя ты в безвыходной ситуации?»


At the court of young King Louis XVI , conspiracies abound…Under the distrustful eye of his new boss at the Chatelet, Nicolas Le Floch investigates the bizarre death of a maid at the home of Monsieur de Saint-Florentin, the King's minister. When a second murder is washed up by the Seine with the same curious injuries, events begin to gather pace, leading Le Floch to Versailles, as he attempts to solve what is far more than a simple case of murder.


In the first 'Agnes de Souarcy mystery' , Andrea Japp offers the reader a multi layered mystery within a richly imagined portrait of Medieval France.Set in 1304 in the Normandy countryside, young widow Agnes de Souarcy, the beautiful lady of the manor, is fighting to retain her independent way of life, aware that her spiteful half-brother will do anything to destroy her.Meanwhile the King of France and the Church are locked in a battle for power that will decide the fate of the Knights Templar and Hospitaller. These two different worlds collide in the forest near Souarcy , where a terrifying creature begins to kill and mutilate a succession of monks on their way to deliver a secret message of momentous importance.


November 1891. The body of a young woman is discovered at a crossroads on Boulevard Montmartre. Barefoot and dressed in red, she has been strangled and her face disfigured. That same day a single red shoe is delivered to Victor Legris's Parisian bookshop.Suspecting more than just coincidence, the bookseller sleuth and his assistant Jojo are soon engaged in seeking out the identity of both victim and murderer. In this third investigation set in belle-époque Paris, we are drawn with Victor into the city's nightlife and the legendary Moulin Rouge immortalised by Toulouse- Lautrec, who features in the story.


In this sequel to 'The Season of the beast' , Andrea Japp uses her remarkable knowledge of French history and daily life in the medieval world to tell an intricate and spellbinding story.Imprisoned by the Inquisition, Agnes de Souarcy faces interrogation and torture. At the same time, the religious community of Clarets Abbey is shaken to the core when a nun is horrifically poisoned by a murderer hidden in its midst.