
This popular safety best-seller is designed to help the user quantify the expected damage of potential fire and explosion incidents in realistic terms, identify the equipment likely to contribute to the creation or escalation of an incident, and communicate the fire and explosion risk potential to management. Based on Dow's Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis Program, the index provides a step-by-step, objective evaluation of the actual fire and explosion, as well as reactivity potential of process equipment and its contents.


This testing procedure provides methods of conducting and interpreting field tests on centrifugal pumps with actual pumped fluids. Contents include definitions and descriptions of terms; test planning; instrumentation and measurement methods; test procedure; computation of results; and interpretation of results. The volume also contains appendix materials including nomenclature; sample test results; sample calculation (dual units); related calculations; and references.


This book presents an approach—termed MERITT (Maximizing EHS Returns by Integrating Tools and Talents)—for enhancing process development through better integration of environmental, health, and safety evaluations. It draws upon critical components of inherent safety, pollution prevention, green chemistry, and related paradigms through selective adoption and adaptation of their existing tools, skills, and knowledge resources. MERITT offers ways of enhancing existing best practices of organizations that are recognized leaders in developing and conducting coordinated EHS evaluations through increased awareness and recognition throughout all levels of the organization (engineers, chemists, project managers, and business leaders). Special Details: Hardcover. Co-publishing venture between CWRT and CCPS.


Current industry, government and public emphasis on containment of hazardous materials makes it essential for each plant to reduce and control accidental releases to the atmosphere. Guidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling Systems meets the need for information on selecting and sizing pressure relief devices and effluent handling systems that will maintain process integrity and avoid discharge of potentially harmful materials to the atmosphere. With a CD-ROM enclosed containing programs for calculating flow through relief devices, effluent handling systems, and associated piping, the book offers an important collection of state-of-the-art technology for safely relieving process equipment of such conditions as overpressure, overtemperature and/or runaway reactions. It provides information for two-phase and compressible gas flow to select and size pressure relief devices, piping, and effluent handling equipment, such as gravity separators, cyclones, spargers, and quench pools. The book has an important collection of state-of-the-art technology for safely relieving process equipment of conditions such as overpressure, overtemperature and/or run-away reactions. It provides information for two-phase and compressible gas flow to select and size pressure relief devices, piping, and effluent handling equipment such as gravity separators cyclones, spargers and quench pools. Special Details: CD files for this title can now be found by entering the ISBN 9780816904761 on booksupport.wiley.com.


Written and edited by engineering contractors and industry project/maintenance managers as an easy-to-use guide for other industry professionals, this book identifies important process safety issues in the contractor-client relationship,which are not addressed by other groups and publications. While the issues may arise at any point in the life cycle of a plant, they should be resolved early in the relationship to permit a clearer focus on process safety issues. Topics covered are a general discussion of contractor safety programs; EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contractual bases and work division as they address regulatory PSM issues; subcontractor relationships; and managing contractor-client risks.


Diese Datensammlung ist ein unentbehrlicher Helfer fur alle, die in der Uberwachung, Verwaltung, Lebensmittelindustrie oder als freiberufliche Sachverstandige mit Lebensmitteln, Bedarfsgegenstanden, kosmetischen Mitteln und Tabakerzeugnissen zu tun haben. Ubersichtlich nach Bundeslandern geordnet, enthalt das Buch alle wichtigen Angaben uber die Chemischen und Lebensmittel- Untersuchungsamter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, wie Anschrift und Televerbindungen, Schwerpunktaufgaben/Spezialgebiete sowie die Namen der Leiter und wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter. Man findet ferner die Anschriften der fur die Lebensmitteluberwachung zustandigen Ministerien, der fachbezogenen Universitatsinstitute und der verschiedenen Verbande. Auf diese Weise konnen sich interessierte Kreise einen Uberblick verschaffen, welche Probleme wo bearbeitet werden. Alle Eintrage sind eigens fur diese Publikation erhoben oder gepruft worden und befinden sich somit auf dem neuesten Stand, das hei?t auch: der Zeit nach der Einfuhrung der neuen PLZ.


Soft drinks and fruit juices are produced in almost every country in the world and their availability is remarkable. From the largest cities to some of the remotest villages, soft drinks are available in a variety of flavours and packaging. The market for these products continues to show a remarkable potential for growth. The variety of products and packaging types continues to expand, and among the more significant developments in recent years has been the increase in diet drinks of very high quality, many of which are based on spring or natural mineral water. This book provides an overview of the chemistry and technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. The original edition has been completely revised and extended, with new chapters on Trends in Beverage Markets, Fruit and Juice Processing, Carbohydrate and Intense Sweeteners, Non-Carbonated Beverages, Carbonated Beverages, and Functional Drinks containing Herbal Extracts. It is directed at graduates in food science, chemistry or microbiology entering production, quality control, new product development or marketing in the beverage industry or in companies supplying ingredients or packaging materials to the beverage industry.


Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods approaches the subject of smart packaging from an innovative, thematic perspective: Part 1 looks at smart packaging technologies for food quality and safety Part 2 addresses smart packaging issues for the supply chain Part 3 focuses on smart packaging for brand protection and enhancement Part 4 centres on smart packaging for user convenience. Each chapter starts with a definition of the technology, and proceeds with an analysis of its workings and components before concluding with snapshots of potential applications of the technology. The Editors, brought together from academia and industry, provide readers with a cohesive account of the smart packaging phenomenon. Chapter authors are a mixture of industry professionals and academic researchers from the UK, USA, EU and Australasia.


In Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies in Food Systems, editor Lakkis has gathered a highly respected collection of expert contributors from industry and academia to highlight recent innovations in encapsulation and controlled release technologies in food systems. Unlike most recent publications which dealt exclusively with theoretical aspects of these technologies, this volume focuses mainly on devising effective and innovative applications in food systems in which these delivery vehicles operate. In addition, the book provides some emphasis on new opportunities that may arise from the development of new materials for the design and fabrication of delivery vehicles and carriers. Encapsulation and Controlled Release Technologies gives the reader a solid grasp of basic concepts of encapsulation technologies and their novel applications in food systems. Dr. Lakkis also presents novel possibilities of encapsulation and controlled release along with a discussion on future perspectives and economical implications of these technologies.


The Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing is a definitive master reference, providing an overview of food manufacturing in general, and then covering the processing and manufacturing of more than 100 of the most common food products. With editors and contributors from 24 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia, this guide provides international expertise and a truly global perspective on food manufacturing.