
Долг есть долг. Именно ему, человеку из среднего класса России, у которого, казалось бы, уже прожита вся его «боевая» жизнь, надлежит направиться в Новгород XIII века и, преодолев все преграды, совершить невозможное: найти, за свой счет одеть, обуть и накормить 1000 человек, из которых, наперекор всему, создать, вооружить и обучить маленькую армию, встать с нею в глухом урочище на пути орд Батыя и, продержавшись целых три дня (в строгом соответствии с историческими фактами) заставить его отказаться от захвата города и тем самым не дать измениться прошлому. При этом признание и благодарность ему не светят, хуже того, ему нужно скрыть от будущих поколений все следы своего средневекового существования. Жестко? Немыслимо? Безрассудно? Да. Но долг есть долг.








Нам с другом задали школьный проект, и мы решили сделать робота. Но мало кто знал, что один из нас и станет этим роботом.


One day not too far from now there will be too many people on this planet. When that day comes, what will we do? Jerry, Michael, Emily, Amelia, Abigail and David receive their answer in the form of a letter. Proxima B is waiting for them and is going to expose their differences and their fears, which will let them make unexpected choices. Sometimes, a more obvious answer is not more predictable. Co-authored science fiction novel about a space mission that leads a group of colonists to land on Proxima b, which is an exoplanet in the habitable zone of the red dwarf called Proxima Centauri and whose distance from the sun is 4.24 light years. The year is 2099. Due to world's pollution, the excessive number of inhabitants, the subsequent lack of resources and other reasons, Earth is no longer fit to live in. The only hope is to try to reach what appears to be a ”second possibility”, Proxima b, indeed. This is why New Nasa Corporated is planning a mission called ”For everyone's sake!” that imposes the recruitment of several practitioners in their own field, including biologists, doctors, chemists, engineers and soldiers. These include Jerry, Michael, Emily, Amelia, Abigail and David, in addition to Matthew Ross, who is the captain of one of the three mother ships (the MATERs) that after the ”new colonizers” have been trained leave Earth and manage to reach the new planet through a wormhole. But during space travel something does not go as planned. Terrestrial beings find something different from what they expected on Proxima…


VOLUME 1/3 – (Português Brasileiro) ”Estávamos no caminho de volta. Apenas um dos nossos anos solares se passou desde que fomos forçados a deixar o planeta às pressas, mas para eles, em anos terrestres, se passaram 3.600. O que encontraríamos?” Nibiru, o décimo segundo planeta do nosso sistema solar, tem uma órbita extremamente elíptica e retrógrada, muito maior do que todas as outras. De fato, leva aproximadamente 3.600 anos para completar uma volta em torno do Sol. Seus habitantes, aproveitando essa aproximação cíclica, têm realizado visitas sistemáticas por centenas de milhares de anos, todas as vezes influenciando a cultura, o conhecimento, a tecnologia e até a própria evolução da raça humana. Nossos ancestrais referiam-se a eles de muitas formas, mas talvez a que melhor os represente seja ”deuses”. Azakis e Petris, dois amáveis habitantes desse exótico planeta, a bordo da astronave Theos, estão retornando à Terra para recuperar um misteriosa e preciosa carga, que fora escondida em uma visita anterior. Uma história irresistível e divertida, ao mesmo tempo cheia de suspense e de releituras potencialmente devastadoras de eventos históricos.