
Book Three, Growing the Enterprise, nurtures and propagates the business venture. The first chapter documents the formation and evolution of three entrepreneurs and their enterprises. Lessons from the three case studies are abstracted into general guidelines for the gestation of enterprises into robust corporations. This is supported by a framework on the Enterprise Life Cycle and Life Forces originated by the author. The next four chapters of Book Three immerse the entrepreneur in the four functional areas of enterprise development: Marketing. Operations, Human Resource and Financial Management. Finally, Book Three tackles three more case studies on Asian family enterprises, spanning two or three generations, to highlight alternative enterprise growth strategies and expansion models. Again, the chapter abstracts invaluable lessons for the entrepreneur with a far-sighted vision and highly ambitious goals.


Self Mastery is the most elusive of all human quests. A lifetime is never sufficient for most people. Learning to be the best that you can ever become demands the full faculties of the brain, the heart and the spirit. This search for the ultimate self begins with learning to think, using both rational, analytical and critical mind and the associative, creative, systemic and integrative mind. It then conjures that other way of knowing without knowing why you know. This is learning to intuit. Separate, but equally powerful, is the emotional mind, the one that feels and empathizes. Learning to feel brings the self to its sensitive, sensual and stimulating dimension. Next, learning to do puts into action everything that one thinks, intuits and feels. This is followed by the need to transmit and receive messages, both trivial and important, in learning to communicate. Raising the level of the self to assume greater responsibility and accept personal accountability for other is learning to lead. Finally, there is full self actualization and total human development in learning to be. At this height of personal excellence, the five pillars of being and becoming conspire to transform the self towards transcendence. These elevating pillars are wonderment, a wider world view, wisdom, walking the way of the spirit and the will to live.


Book Two, Creating the Enterprise, commits the entrepreneur to establishing a new business venture. The organizational, legal, technical and managerial elements of putting an enterprise together are complemented by the writing and submission of a business plan for the eyes and ears of investors, financiers, partners and managers. The book takes the entrepreneur through the art and science of Investing and Financing. For entrepreneurs considering the acquisition (or disposition) of existing enterprises, there is a chapter devoted to Valuating, or the estimation of asset or share values. Essential to the viable and sustainable operation of the enterprise, Book Two ends with the chapters on Managing Costs and Profits and Managing Risks.


Book One, Preparing for Entrepreneurship, opens the curtains on A Trilogy on Entrepreneurship. As the title proclaims, Book One endeavors to take the entrepreneur through the step-by-step process of Opportunity Seeking, Opportunity Screening and Opportunity Seizing. The first step allows the entrepreneur to unravel the myriad possibilities in finding a good business venture by following any one of several proven methodologies. This is a creative and divergent thinking process. The second step evaluates the possibilities using logical and convergent thinking based on criteria deemed important by the entrepreneur. The third step enables the entrepreneur to focus on the critical variables that could make or break a business differentiate its products from competitors. To ensure success, the entrepreneur must validate the opportunity through rigorous Market Research and its accompanying Marketing Toolkits. Customer Profiling and Location Analysis are the two additional endeavors that entrepreneur must embrace. The first one enables the entrepreneur to target a specific and appropriate market segment while the second one chooses the best place for doing business and selling goods and services. Finally, Preparing for Entrepreneurship, delves into the systematic process of New Product Development.